wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Guide

Wisdom Teeth – Removal & Recovery Guide

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last to develop in the back of our mouth.

Wisdom teeth will typically grow during our late teenage years or early twenties. Yes, that’s when we are supposed to be gaining some “wisdom”! In reality, these pesky molars cause more trouble than enlightenment.

Who Will Perform Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

A dental professional specialising in oral surgery, such as an oral surgeon or a dentist with advanced training in surgical procedures, will typically perform wisdom teeth removal surgery in Brisbane.

The Evolution of Wisdom Teeth: Why Our Ancestors Needed Them

The diets of primitive people were very different from what we eat today. They typically ate tougher, more fibrous foods, such as roots, nuts, and raw meat, which required a lot of chewing force. The extra molars provided more surface area for grinding and breaking down these tough foods, making them easier to digest.

In addition, our ancestors didn’t have access to modern dental care. They likely experienced more tooth decay and tooth loss, so those extra molars in their mouths could have been a helpful backup plan. If one or more of their teeth fell out, the wisdom teeth could move forward and take their place, maintaining their ability to chew and eat.

Our ancestors had larger jaws that could accommodate all of their teeth, including wisdom teeth. However, today our jaws have become smaller over time due to changes in our diet and evolution. As a result, many of us do not have enough space in our mouths to accommodate these extra teeth, which can cause all sorts of problems.

So, while wisdom teeth seem like a hassle now, they were helpful for our ancient ancestors, allowing them to survive and thrive in their harsh environment.

Frequently Asked Questions about Wisdom Teeth

Do All People Get Wisdom Teeth?

No, not all people get wisdom teeth. Some people never develop them, while others may have one, two, three, or all four wisdom teeth.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Called “Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are called so because they usually appear in the late teens or early twenties when a person is considered to have gained some wisdom.

How Many Wisdom Teeth Do People Typically Have?

Most people usually have four wisdom teeth.

At What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Usually Come In?

Wisdom teeth typically come in between the ages of 17 and 25. You may experience them earlier or later.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Painful?

You may feel pressure during wisdom teeth removal, but anesthesia can help reduce the pain.

Prescribed pain medications can also help manage pain after wisdom teeth removal.

What do I do in case of excessive bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction?

Excessive bleeding after a wisdom tooth extraction is a cause for concern, and you should seek medical attention.

Here are some steps you can take:

Apply pressure: Bite gently on a clean gauze pad or cloth for at least 30 minutes. Ensure the gauze pad or cloth is soaked in blood before removing it to avoid dislodging any clots that may have formed at the extraction site.

Avoid rinsing: Do not rinse your mouth or spit forcefully to prevent further bleeding. Instead, you can rinse gently with salt water after 24 hours.

Use ice: Apply an ice pack to your cheek on the affected side of your mouth to help reduce swelling.

Call your dentist or oral surgeon: If bleeding persists after 30 minutes of applying pressure or you experience severe pain, fever, or difficulty breathing, contact your dentist or oral surgeon immediately for further instructions.

Seek emergency care: If bleeding is severe and does not stop after trying these steps or if you feel faint or dizzy, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated with Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is a routine procedure, and complications are typically rare. Risks and complications of a wisdom teeth removal procedure may include infection, bleeding (slight bleeding is normal), nerve damage, dry socket, and jaw stiffness.

What to Eat After wisdom teeth Extraction

Best foods to eat after wisdom teeth extraction include soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, smoothies, and soup. Avoid hot, spicy, crunchy or hard foods that irritate the extraction site and the gum tissue.

Are there any natural remedies for wisdom teeth pain?

Natural remedies for wisdom teeth pain may include:

  • Rinsing with warm salt water.
  • Applying a cold compress to the affected area.
  • Using clove oil or tea bags to soothe the gums.

However, it’s essential to consult a dentist or an appropriately qualified health practitioner before trying home remedies.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

A General Overview of Wisdom Teeth

  • Wisdom teeth are not necessary for modern humans. Our ancestors needed them to chew raw foods, but our diets have evolved to the point where we no longer need them.
  • Not everyone gets wisdom teeth. Some people only develop one or two, while others never get them.
  • Wisdom teeth can grow at strange angles, causing pain, infections, and other oral health issues. Impacted wisdom teeth are one of the most common reasons for oral surgery.
  • Wisdom teeth were once thought to be an indicator of maturity and intelligence. In ancient cultures, people would wait for their wisdom teeth to appear before being considered adults.
  • The scientific name for wisdom teeth is “third molars” because they are located behind the second molars at the back of the mouth.
  • In some cultures, people believe that keeping a wisdom tooth on a necklace or other jewellery will bring good luck.
  • Wisdom teeth removal is usually considered a preventive measure, even if they are not causing any problems. Because wisdom teeth can be difficult to clean, they are more susceptible to decay and infection, leading to several oral health problems.
  • Wisdom teeth can be extracted under general anesthesia. Therefore, you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Sleep Dentistry and dental work done under general anaesthesia are considered safe procedures for selected patients. Paediatric dentists use general anaesthesia for treatments regularly. Consult with your sleep dentist to see if you are a suitable candidate.
Dental extraction of third molars

Wisdom Tooth Removal: When and Why

Causes of Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Why Do I have to have my wisdom teeth removed? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether or not you need your wisdom teeth removed. It depends on various factors, including the position of your wisdom tooth, jaw shape, and overall oral health.

According to Brisbane Dental Sleep Clinic, wisdom tooth extraction can trigger fear and anxiety in some patients. Many people wonder why they must undergo wisdom teeth surgery and can’t keep those extra teeth.

We’ll tell you why your dentist said you must have your wisdom teeth extracted.

Not Enough Space in the Mouth

One of the reasons for wisdom teeth removal is that our jaws have evolved to become smaller, and there’s not enough space for all our teeth. So when the wisdom teeth emerge, they may grow at an angle and often push against the nearby teeth, causing crowding, discomfort, jaw stiffness, and pain.

Another problem is that wisdom teeth that grow at awkward angles are difficult to clean properly. Teeth that cannot be appropriately cleaned can build up bacteria and plaque, leading to gum disease, tooth decay, and even infections.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth may become impacted, meaning they can’t fully emerge from your gums. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and swelling. They can also cause swelling and tenderness in your gums. Additionally, because they are hard to clean, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to gum disease and infections. In more severe cases, impacted wisdom teeth can even cause damage to the surrounding teeth, leading to decay.

When Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?

When might wisdom tooth extraction be necessary? If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain, swelling, or infection, your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend removal. Additionally, removing your wisdom teeth can prevent damage and misalignment if they are impacted and pushed against your other healthy teeth.

Some dentists may also recommend wisdom tooth extraction as a preventative measure before they cause any serious dental problems. Wisdom teeth can become problematic, but with the help of your dentist, you can determine if a wisdom tooth extraction is necessary to prevent any further dental problems.

Dental extraction of third molars

Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

How Is “Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure” Performed?

Wisdom teeth removal is generally considered a surgical procedure.

Here is a general overview of how wisdom teeth surgery is performed:

Anesthesia: Your dentist or oral surgeon will administer local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia to ensure you don’t experience any pain during the procedure.

Incision: The dentist will make an incision in your gum tissue to expose the impacted tooth and underlying bone.

Removal: The wisdom tooth may need to be divided into sections before it can be safely removed. The dentist will use special instruments to loosen the tooth and extract it from the tooth socket.

Clean the tooth socket: After removing the tooth, the dentist will clean the socket of any debris or infection.

Stitches: The dentist may need to stitch the incision to accelerate healing.

Recovery: You’ll be given instructions, including pain medication and care for the extraction site, and follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

Wisdom tooth removal is a common surgical procedure that requires proper aftercare to ensure a swift recovery process. It is essential to follow the post-operative instructions given by your dentist to accelerate the healing process and minimise the two risk factors of experiencing severe pain and excessive bleeding.

The recovery period varies from person to person, depending on the complexity of the surgery and the number of wisdom teeth removed. On average, it can take three to five days to feel relatively normal again, but it can take up to two weeks for the surgical site to completely heal.

  • One of the most crucial factors in wisdom teeth removal recovery is the formation of a blood clot at the surgical site. The formation of the blood clot is essential for the healing process as it can protect the underlying bone and tissue from infection and further damage.
  • A dry socket occurs if the blood clot that forms in the tooth socket becomes dislodged before the surgical site is completely healed. A dry socket can expose the bone and causes severe pain. It is vital to avoid smoking, using straws, or eating crunchy foods or chewy foods for at least 48 hours after wisdom teeth extraction to decrease the risk of a dry socket.
  • Prescribed pain medication and ice packs can help alleviate discomfort after removing wisdom teeth. Applying an ice pack to the surgical sites for 20 minutes, with a 20-minute break, can reduce swelling.
  • Keeping your mouth clean is crucial for a smooth recovery. Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water to help prevent infection and promote healing. However, avoiding excessive rinsing or spitting is crucial, which can dislodge the blood clot and lead to a painful dental condition called a dry socket.
  • It’s also recommended to avoid brushing the surgical site in the first 24 hours following wisdom tooth removal.
  • Soft foods such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, and soups can help provide nutrients while avoiding irritation to the surgical site. Avoiding spicy foods is also recommended, which can cause discomfort and irritation. After the first few days, you can gradually add solid foods to your diet while avoiding crunchy and chewy foods that can dislodge the blood clot.
  • Try to avoid lying flat and keep your head elevated when sleeping.
  • Applying moist heat to the affected side of your face can also help if you experience swelling and pain.
  • Taking prescribed pain medications, striking to soft foods, applying ice packs and moist heat, and eating soft foods can help alleviate discomfort and reduce pain after wisdom teeth extraction.

Remember, the key to healthy teeth and a successful recovery process is patience and following the dentist’s instructions properly.

Who Will Perform Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

A dental professional specialising in oral surgery, such as an oral surgeon or a dentist with advanced training in surgical procedures, will typically perform wisdom teeth’ removal surgery.

The Evolution of Wisdom Teeth: Why Our Ancestors Needed Them

The diets of primitive people were very different from what we eat today. They typically ate tougher, more fibrous foods, such as roots, nuts, and raw meat, which required a lot of chewing force. The extra molars provided more surface area for grinding and breaking down these tough foods, making them easier to digest.

In addition, our ancestors didn’t have access to modern dental care. They likely experienced more tooth decay and tooth loss, so those extra molars in their mouths could have been a helpful backup plan. If one or more of their teeth fell out, the wisdom teeth could move forward and take their place, maintaining their ability to chew and eat.

Our ancestors had larger jaws that could accommodate all of their teeth, including wisdom teeth. However, today our jaws have become smaller over time due to changes in our diet and evolution. As a result, many of us do not have enough space in our mouths to accommodate these extra teeth, which can cause all sorts of problems.

So, while wisdom teeth seem like a hassle now, they were helpful for our ancient ancestors, allowing them to survive and thrive in their harsh environment.

Frequently Asked Questions about Wisdom Teeth

Do All People Get Wisdom Teeth?

No, not all people get wisdom teeth. Some people never develop them, while others may have one, two, three, or all four wisdom teeth.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Called "Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are called so because they usually appear in the late teens or early twenties when a person is considered to have gained some wisdom.

How Many Wisdom Teeth Do People Typically Have?

Most people usually have four wisdom teeth.

At What Age Do Wisdom Teeth Usually Come In?

Wisdom teeth typically come in between the ages of 17 and 25. You may experience them earlier or later.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Painful?

You may feel pressure during wisdom teeth removal, but anesthesia can help reduce the pain. Prescribed pain medications can also help manage pain after wisdom teeth removal.

What do I do in case of excessive bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction?

Excessive bleeding after a wisdom tooth extraction is a cause for concern, and you should seek medical attention.

What do I do in case of excessive bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction?

Excessive bleeding after a wisdom tooth extraction is a cause for concern, and you should seek medical attention.

Here are some steps you can take:

Apply pressure: Bite gently on a clean gauze pad or cloth for at least 30 minutes. Ensure the gauze pad or cloth is soaked in blood before removing it to avoid dislodging any clots that may have formed at the extraction site.

Avoid rinsing: Do not forcefully rinse your mouth or spit to prevent further bleeding. Instead, you can rinse gently with salt water after 24 hours.

Use ice: Apply an ice pack to your cheek on the affected side of your mouth to help reduce swelling.

Call your dentist or oral surgeon: If bleeding persists after 30 minutes of applying pressure or you experience severe pain, fever, or difficulty breathing, contact your dentist or oral surgeon immediately for further instructions.

Seek emergency care: If bleeding is severe and does not stop after trying these steps or if you feel faint or dizzy, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

Are There Any Risks or Complications Associated with Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is a routine procedure, and complications are typically rare. Risks and complications of a wisdom teeth removal procedure may include infection, bleeding (slight bleeding is normal), nerve damage, dry socket, and jaw stiffness.

What to Eat After wisdom teeth Extraction?

Best foods to eat after wisdom teeth extraction include soft foods like mashed potatoes, yogurt, smoothies, and soup. Avoid hot, spicy, crunchy or hard foods that irritate the extraction site and the gum tissue.

Are there any natural remedies for wisdom teeth pain?

Natural remedies for wisdom teeth pain may include:

  • Rinsing with warm salt water.
  • Applying a cold compress to the affected area.
  • Using clove oil or tea bags to soothe the gums.

However, it’s essential to consult a dentist or an appropriately qualified health practitioner before trying home remedies.

Pure Dentistry

Pure Dentistry is a Private Dental Clinic in Upper Mount Gravatt, Brisbane.

We are committed to providing high-quality dental care to our patients. We understand that dental treatments can be costly. That’s why we offer a range of payment plans, including the popular Humm. Humm is a convenient payment plan that allows you to pay for your dental treatment in smaller, manageable instalments, making it easier to fit the cost of dental care into your budget.

In addition to Humm, we also accept SuperCare as a payment option. Supercare is a government-approved program that allows eligible patients to access their superannuation funds to pay for dental treatments. With SuperCare, you can now receive the dental care you need without waiting and saving on the funds.

Our dental clinic provides comprehensive dental services, including preventative care, restorative treatments, and cosmetic dentistry. Our experienced and highly skilled dental professionals are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal dental and oral health and a beautiful, confident smile.

So, whether you need a routine check-up, a filling, or a complete smile makeover, we’re here to help. Contact us today to book an appointment, and let us help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime!

Call our Pure Dentistry dental clinic in Brisbane on phone number 07 3343 4869 for more information. You can also book online.